Jaguar Mercedes-Benz

Jaguar plays chicken with Mercedes

Jaguar v Mercedes

Have you seen the Mercedes-Benz chicken ad? It’s pretty good. You see a chicken like to keep its head still, even when its body is being moved around. Mercedes figured that was a good way to illustrate the benefits of its Magic Body Control which “ensures optimum driving comfort”.

Jaguar thought that was good, too, but also felt they could go one better illustrating the benefits of cat-like reflexes.

You can watch both of the ads are below, after the break. Watch them both, have a chuckle, then let us know what you think.

[via My Car Portal]

4 replies on “Jaguar plays chicken with Mercedes”

I like both – note though there are lots of circumstances where magic body control doesn’t work, like when there are puddles or its too dark for the cameras to properly see the road

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