Formula 1 Red Bull Racing

I’ll have €25,000 worth of donuts please

Sebastian Vettel at the 2013 Indian Grand Prix

Sebastian Vettel’s decision to celebrate his fourth world championship with a series of donuts after winning the Indian Grand Prix earned him a post-race appointment with the FIA race stewards.

An FIA statement read in part: “The driver failed to proceed directly to the post race parc ferme as detailed under article 43.3 of the FIA Formula One Sporting Regulations.

“Due to the special circumstances the Stewards accepted the explanation of the driver. The team failed to instruct the driver sufficiently to return directly to post race parc ferme.”

Vettel was handed an official reprimand, his first of the season, and Red Bull Racing was fined €25,000 for failing to instruct their pesky charge to return his car to his reserved #1 parking spot in pit lane.

We’re not sure what the FIA will do with that money, but we think there’s probably a worthy charity or two in India which could continue to benefit from the presence of Formula 1 in their country.

[Source: Autosport | Pic: Red Bull/Getty Images]

5 replies on “I’ll have €25,000 worth of donuts please”

Unfortunately I think it was something (the fine) that had to be done but I’m so glad he did it nonetheless. Great to see him let his hair down a bit and seriously…who doesn’t like a burnout!

I’m not a Vettel fan despite his prodigious talent but surely a championship win is as good an excuse as any for a few doughnuts? Lol at the FIA expecting Vettel to do what the team tell him – have they been paying attention over the last few years?

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