Formula 1

2013 Australian Grand Prix officially launched

2013 Formula 1 Rolex Australian Grand Prix

Yesterday marked the official launch for the 2013 Formula 1 Rolex Australian Grand Prix. As you can see from the full title, Rolex hasn’t wasted any time increasing its profile in F1 following the announcement it will be the sport’s official timekeeper from 2013 onwards, taking on the title sponsor role in Melbourne.

“This is an incredibly exciting announcement for Melbourne and our state. It highlights the attention and respect Melbourne, as the season opener, commands internationally. There are few sporting events in Australia that have the global visibility of Formula One,” said Victorian Premier Ted Baillieu (left).

The new deal with Rolex ends the association with former title sponsor Qantas, who had their name up in lights from 1997–2001 and more recently from 2010–2012.

Video highlights from the launch event can be seen after the break. For reasons best known to the promotions team this event was held at an ice rink. Yeah, we can’t work out why either. It looked like fun all the same.

For those keeping count there’s only 39 days to go until race day on 17 March.


One reply on “2013 Australian Grand Prix officially launched”

It is a shame that this year we will not see the Qantas flagship flyover. I always enjoyed that flying low to get those great pics.

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