News Red Bull Racing

Mark Webber cans the Melbourne Cup

Mark Webber

Mark Webber has moved from drug testing to gambling in sharing his political views on gambling and why he is one Australian who couldn’t care less about the Melbourne Cup.

In the post-qualifying press conference from the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, Webber was asked by Mark Fogarty from Auto Action for his thoughts on “the race that stops the nation”. This is what he said:

“I love sport but horse racing is not far off the bottom of my list. Gambling, in my house, my father didn’t tolerate it. Actually, I’m not a big fan of how much it’s rammed down your throat in Australia, in terms of how you can bet on who farts at what stage in a football match.

“It’s incredible how obsessed we’ve become with gambling and betting but each to their own. If you love gambling it’s a good buzz but it does nothing for me. I would rather ride my mountain bike.”

In regards to Webber’s thoughts on the over saturation of gambling in Australian culture, we say “Hear, hear!”

[Pic: Red Bull/Getty Images]

5 replies on “Mark Webber cans the Melbourne Cup”

He certainly had his angry pills that night .. I would be annoyed too at being pitted too early just because Vettel was behind him.

That said, very entertaining race. I might echo Brundles comment that it is possibly the best race of the season to date. Love Kimi’s [lack of] conversation with his Racing Engineer throughout.

Spot on Mark.
It’s good to see that he has the same opinion and thoughts as I do about this stupid gambling culture that’s destroying our society.

I don’t know whats more depressing. The fact that Mark Webber has turned into a grumpy old man or that I have too.

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