Ford WRC

Petter Solberg recommends the pinot gris

Petter Solberg, Ford Fiesta RS

While Sebastien Loeb was busy showing off by winning another world championship, Petter Solberg admitted defeat early and used the stunning scenery of Rallye de France to do a spot of impromptu wine tasting.

We have video of that for you here, and you can see that Petter needed two bites at the, err, grape in the Alsace region, before doing as all good drunks do and finding relief in the form of a telegraph pole.

Seriously, for a moment, this bizarre incident held some rather frightening potential, which you’ll see when the sparks start to fly. We’re thankful that nobody was injured and we can make light of the situation and hope that Solberg enjoys better luck next time around.

3 replies on “Petter Solberg recommends the pinot gris”

Look how close one guy came to certain grief when the power pole falls inches from his head.

The branches of the tree the pole hit actually hit him. More concerning is how close people came to being electrocuted. Amazing footage.

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