Formula 1 Red Bull Racing

Red Bull’s tunnel vision

David Coulthard drives RB7 through Lincoln Tunnel

Finally we can bring you the edited promo version of Red Bull Racing’s “American Vacation”. If you missed it last week David Coulthard was plonked in an RB7 and given licence to go crazy on the streets of New York and New Jersey.

It’s all in the name of promoting the Grand Prix of America, scheduled to make its F1 debut in June 2013.

If you’d like to watch a full lap of the 5.14km Port Imperial street circuit in Weehawken, NJ, you can do so HERE.

While watching this clip, cast your mind back to the nanny state promo the Victorian Government allowed for Mark Webber on the Bolte Bridge.

Victoria, you suck! New York, you rock!

[Thanks to Wes for the tip]

2 replies on “Red Bull’s tunnel vision”

Awesome. The lucky buggers sitting on the boardwalk at the start of the clip as DC races passed them, the sound would have been amazing.. Looking forward to seeing this race unfold.

See this is a great example of where I see the nanny state in Aus heading to. For the last 3 years I have been an Aussie import into the US. Prior to being here I was told regularly that we in Australia had all these new regulations cause we are “just following the American lead”.

I get here and see broken roads and side walks as there is no funding to repair (but no concern about being billed by falling citizens). Virtually a non-existent DUI system, no speed cameras, highways where 55mph is the limit but 80mph is the norm.

This same event in Aus would have taken 1000 permits and been through many community consultations and inevitably recieved many submissions from Harold Scrubby… Maybe the US is just so big they can put up with the noise and just get on with it.

EOR [End of Rant]

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