Formula 1

Bernie says London Grand Prix is no joke

London Grand Prix track

Bernie Ecclestone says the possibility of a Formula One Grand Prix in London is real. He’s not revealed plans for a preferred route, but you get the feeling a variation of the Santander fantasy track cannot be ruled out.

“We are getting on with it. It is no joke, 100% completely no joke,” Ecclestone told The Guardian. He’s even suggested that he’ll put up the cash for the hosting fee, in effect giving the race a £35m head start.

“With the way things are, maybe we would front it and put the money up for it. If we got the OK and everything was fine, I think we could do that,” he said.

Another possible route could take in the Olympic precinct. Whatever happens it seems as though Bernie wants a race in London, so we may as well get ready to mark it on the calendar. As we all know, what Bernie wants, Bernie gets; even if it’s a bit dodgy and costs him £28m.

[Source: The Guardian]