Formula 1 Video

Fantasy London Grand Prix track revealed

London Grand Prix track

Spanish banking giant and high-profile F1 sponsor Santander has built on the push for a London Grand Prix, which already has Bernie’s blessing, by producing a suite of lavish promotional items. All of which were announced at a special launch event late last week. Check out the dedicated LGP2012 website for more.

As you’d expect the creators have managed to ensure the 5.15km street circuit takes the cars past as many of London’s famous sights as possible. We can’t ever see this fantasy track happening—the disruption to central London would be unbearable, not to mention dangers of threading the needle at Admiralty Arch. However, as publicity stunt, this one is hard to beat.

You can see a full track map after the break, including a 2000px version. Also included are British drivers Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button talking through a lap around London and a simulation of an onboard lap. All well worth a look.

London Grand Prix street circuit

4 replies on “Fantasy London Grand Prix track revealed”

It looks stunning and is a shame that it will never truly happen. One of the few street circuits that could be fantastic, probably because Tilke had nothing to do with it.

Would be pretty cool if something like this came off. I’d say the Olympic precinct has a better chance of hosting a GP though.

This is what F1 should be heading to: traveling city to city throughout the world. I’m sure it will bring a new dimension to the sport and specially new fans! Can you imagine; Paris, Rome, New York, Hong Kong, Singapore, Melbourne, Rio, Tokyo… Wow! So much organisation but what a show it would be!

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