Chevrolet Video

VIDEO: Oh deer!

Chevrolet Corvette Z06 hits deer

Here is a pretty nasty video of a chap called James Greenwood killing Bambi in his Crovette Z06 at a track day in West Virginia. Neither of them had a chance really. The clip itself is not over the top with Bambi’s blood and guts, but if you’re the queasy type we suggest don’t take the jump to see what happens next.

[Source: Autoblog]

5 replies on “VIDEO: Oh deer!”

Hope the driver wasn’t hurt too much from the debris.
At least it was instant for bambi. I hope…

Technique shmeknique. Take 20 F1 driver and I’d bet you they all drive with a different technique in relation to their arms and feet. Biggest BS nanny state crap that people who run driving course think they are experts on. Like motorcycle riders (I am one) are told you must ride like this, with your elbows like that and your body like this, it’s all BS!!! Moto GP riders have completely different styles. We all have different bodies, arm lengths, torso lengths, some have long legs short torso, other short legs long torso, long necks, short necks etc etc etc. There is no perfect, right or wrong style. Just your style! If your safe and fast and it works for you, technique means bugger all Mr Nanny. Soon someone will come up with a specific “right” technique to wipe your arse and some Aussie will establish a school on it to tell us all how we’re bad arse wipers. Please!

I knew it was only a matter of time until someone used the JPM quote on this headline.

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