Porsche Video

A mechanical marriage of man and machine

Chris Harris, Classic 911 rally car

En route to film his latest piece for Drive, Chris Harris shares with the viewer his reasons for buying a modest diesel-powered Volkswagen Passat Estate. A bit later in the film he reveals the recipe for the driving he enjoys the most.

As it turns out it’s a Porsche 911—no real surprise there—but it’s not a fancy pants modern 911. No, he likes to get his thrills at the wheel of a 365hp, 1000kg classic tarmac rally 911. And why not!

Harris explains it like this: “Everything you do has an effect on the behaviour of the car.” It’s a mechanical marriage of man and machine, with no electronic nannies to be seen.

The opening part of the clip is mostly talking and explanation about the racing category the 911 has been created for. At the end, though, when Harris is blasting around the track—what a symphony of sounds!

[Thanks to James for the tip]