Bathurst 12 Hour

Armor All returns with B12H pole position prize

Bathurst 12 Hour

Bathurst 12 Hour race title sponsor Armor All will return with a cash bonus for the pole position winners at this year’s race. It’s a relatively modest $5000 that will be split evenly between the drivers.

Event Director James O’Brien welcomes to the continuing support, “Qualifying is only a small part of the 12 Hour Race, but thanks to Armor All it has again become a key and exciting part of our Saturday program.”

Qualifying for the Bathurst 12 Hour will be run over two sessions on Saturday 25 February. There is a morning session, which runs from 8:15–9:45am to be followed by a 30 minute late afternon session commencing at 4:30pm.

Pole position at the Bathurst 12 Hour is calculated by an aggregate score. Teams with three drivers will combine the best times of all drivers set in either qualifying session. While entries with four drivers will eliminate the time of their fastest driver and add together the three remaining times to arrive at the final qualifying mark.

Interestingly, there is a benchmark time of 2:08.00 set for the event. Any team found to set a faster time than the benchmark during any practice or qualifying session will be penalised with 50kg of ballast. It’s part of the “Balance of Performance” regulations used in overseas endurance races which the Bathurst event is following.

So we won’t be seeing anyone knock off Allan Simonsen’s lap record of 2:04.956 set during last year’s Sprint Bathurst event.

[Source: Bathurst 12 Hour & Speedcafe]

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