
VIDEO: This is the Porsche Standard

2012 Porsche 911 documentary

Porsche has just released this short film on the making of its new 991 911. The moody voiceover man tells us Porsche goes to extreme lengths to test their cars.

Some of the tests you can imagine; hot, dusty desert conditions and winter temperatures that are off the scale, for example. Some, you probably can’t. Such as using a manky old kettle to pour boiling water over the headlights to ensure they don’t crack.

Mr Moody-Man also says they have tested the car in conditions most Porsche drivers would never dream of. The point of all this? According to the blurb on the YouTube clip:

‘Our engineers took the car on the most demanding road trips imaginable while in the most punishing of climates. They pushed the test vehicles to operating extreme months before the cars global debut. Why? To guarantee that the seventh-generation 2012 Carrera 911 will perform to Porsche Standards on the German Autobahn, interstate highway in the US and anywhere else a car’s owner might be.’

That, so they say, is the Porsche Standard.

2 replies on “VIDEO: This is the Porsche Standard”

I know its just a collection of gratuitous clips, but, nonetheless, I am sitting here, a mass of goosebumps! The engineering excellence and dedication to perfection is inspirational. Well done Porsche.

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