Formula 1

2011 Indian GP: Early signs aren’t good

2011 Indian GP

With any new event you expect there to be some early teething problems. Martin Brundle quickly discovered this for himself at the 2011 Indian Grand Prix when he learned the BBC commentary box has no windows. Apparently Bernie has since had a quiet word with track officials and that will be rectified for 2012. No windows; really, what were they thinking?

Similarly, take a look at the sign above and you’ll soon find yourself asking the same question. At least the signwriter didn’t make the same mistake twice.

On the positive side, the track itself seems to be winning a few fans.

[Source: Planet F1 | Thanks to Ryan for the tip]

One reply on “2011 Indian GP: Early signs aren’t good”

and they keep telling us India is the upcoming super power –

Even the Olympics sucked…



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