Top Gear Australia

Party over for Top Gear Australia

Top Gear Australia cast

Steve Pizzati confirmed via his twitter feed this morning that Top Gear Australia has been shelved. “It’s true – as of next week, TGA will be on at the special time of not at all,” he quipped.

“Sorry to the open-minded people that gave it a go AND enjoyed!”

A total of six episodes were commissioned for Series 4, of which three have now aired. It’s uncertain if the remaining eps will ever see the light of day.

Pizzati doesn’t hold out much hope, “We’re told the last three episodes will make an appearance in the summer. Or try Blockbuster Video in the BetaMax section.”

Many predicted the show would likely fail back in 2008 when word first emerged that SBS would produce a locally made series. Hindsight now offers the proof.

Ironically, Top Gear Australia probably peaked in terms of quality when it was on SBS. After Channel Nine splashed their cash the local version never really looked like matching the success of the original British cast.


6 replies on “Party over for Top Gear Australia”

I’d rather watch repeats of UK Top Gear…

Sorry, but the blokes lacked the substance together that TGUK have and the format was woeful…

It just looked like they tried to hard!

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