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Motions eleven

Motor Trend drag race

US publication Motor Trend has assembled a group of 11 incredibly desirable cars, sent them to an empty airstrip and planted the go pedal. Check the list below, form your opinion on which car you think will be quickest. Also consider which cars you reckon will make the top three. Which one will be the slowest? Then take the jump and watch ex-pat Aussie and former Wheels editor Angus MacKenzie guide you through the results.

[Thanks to Tim for the tip]

3 replies on “Motions eleven”

The Nissan GTR is the WRX of today – It makes a driver look good and a good driver better…

I love to hate it…

But I have to credit Nissan for the result they have achieved.

Maybe BMW can now stop hyping the M1… It’s not a pretty car and it’s trying too hard to punch above its weight…

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