Formula 1 Renault

Official update on Robert Kubica

Robert Kubica

Lotus Renault GP has released an official update on Robert Kubica. The 26-year-old Polish driver is recovering from another round of surgery following his rally accident earlier in the year. It seems almost certain we won’t see Robert back in Formula One this year. Let’s hope he recovers well and is back in 2012.

You can read the team’s statement after the break.

Lotus Renault GP: Update on Robert Kubica

28 August 2011 – Today, Robert underwent one last scheduled operation in Italy, aimed at recovering the full mobility of his right elbow. The surgeons are happy to report that they have been able to complete 100% of their task and did not encounter any complications. They have described the outcome of the operation as “a total success”.

On waking up, it was immediately clear Robert was in good spirits. Why? Well, as soon as he opened his eyes, he asked for the results of today’s race!

He will now rest in hospital for a few days before resuming his rehabilitation and training programme.

Szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia, Robert.