Ford WRC

If in doubt, flat out!

Mark Webber thought it fit to share this video of Colin McRae in action at the 2001 British RAC Rally via his twitter feed. Who are we to argue?

8 replies on “If in doubt, flat out!”

I still think rally drivers are the best drivers in the world… No run offs, kitty litter or tyre walls. Just trees, rocks, mounds and people to hit!


Don’t get me wrong, I love cars and going round a track quickly, but damn, I don’t know if I could be a co-pilot in one of those beasts, absolutely terrifying when the car got that squirrely into some of the slow sections… Both looked quite relaxed throughout, I’m in awe.

Incredible clip, thanks for posting. It also occurred to me that it makes driving a F1 car look simple in comparison. You think he’s mucked up the corner yet he’s lined it up before we could even see it. Amazing.

I love that last sequence, flat out in top gear (maybe one change) till the end of the stage!

p.s. Colin did a massive 4 wheel burnout in Forrest Chase after winning in Perth in the mid,late 90’s. Rally Australia wowsers not happy but crowd loved it. Wish I could find some video.

Simply mind numbing, i had goose bombs while watching that!

I wonder how a group b car do today if it still existed in some form.

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