
VIDEO: Secret MINI reveals new style direction?

BMW has just released a new video promoting its internship programs. Contained inside that clip is this clay model of a two-sided MINI. The left side appears pretty much as we expect a MINI to look, but the right side shows an aggressive new headlight treatment and overtly pumped wheelguard.

Whether this is just more tomfoolery from the clowns trying to bust a rhyme or a genuine internal study for a new design direction is anyone’s guess. We’re not so sure about that headlight styling. The higher bonnet line could be introduced to improve pedestrian safety.

There’s a couple of extra still from the video after the break and, if you dare, you can watch the promo clip too. It’s probably a good thing it’s in German because we suspect the lyrics are probably as bad as the visuals.

[Source: World Car Fans]

2 replies on “VIDEO: Secret MINI reveals new style direction?”

Well, it sure won’t ‘look’ like a MINI anymore 🙁 There are just some cars you cannot change the design of too much – or it loses it’s identity. The MINI is one of those cars.

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