Top Gear

James May on the future of Top Gear

Earlier this week an interview with James May was published by The Telegraph in the UK. It mostly centred on his TV show Man Lab, but right at the end he made a few comments about Top Gear which we gather created some fuss over in Blighty.

“Well I think it can probably last a lot longer than us, that there will probably become a point when we will have to let other people have a go at reinventing it. It’s always about knowing when to quit with your dignity, which very few people do,” he said.

“A few years ago we thought we might have got to the end, but then we got a bit of a second wind. I’d like to hope that it finishes as big rock bands do, not that I’m comparing us to one. Our musical differences will become so extreme and irreconcilable that it has to come to an end. It hasn’t happened yet—but it would be nice if Top Gear went out with a massive bang.”

It seemed the following comments made a few people think James was bringing news of Top Gear‘s demise. Above is an interview James recorded with Absolute Radio after the newspaper piece hit the streets in order to put things right. Although, to us, his original comments were pretty clear.

As it stands, Top Gear will be back on UK screens with Series 17 on 26 June.

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