Formula 1

FIA blowing cool air over exhaust gasses

2011 Turkish GP

This time last week the FIA had written to the Formula One teams declaring the engine mapping allowing exhaust gasses to flow into blown diffusers while the driver was off-throttle would be drastically altered. The change was to take effect at this weekend’s Spanish Grand Prix. Under the FIA’s plan up to 90% of the benefit gained was to be taken away.

However, the changes have since been put on hold now won’t come in place until after the Canadian Grand Prix at the earliest. This will follow the latest Technical Working Group meeting in mid-June.

As usual for F1, it’s a complicated tale and accusations of inter-team rivalry are at play. It’s believed that Lotus Renault GP and Red Bull Racing have the most to lose. But these comments from McLaren’s Tim Goss are telling, “I think all of the major teams are up to the same tricks with regards to engine mapping. Certainly we exploit them.

“If the latest guidelines that the FIA have given us on use of engine to drive exhaust systems came in then it would be a performance setback to us. I know it would almost certainly be a performance setback to our major competitors.”

Goss was quoted by James Allen and if this story interests you we recommend following the source link below for more.

[Source: James Allen on F1]

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