
Porsche prepares 918 racecar for Detroit debut

Porsche 918 racecar teaser

Following the release of this teaser video it appears certain the world debut Porsche has planned for the Detroit Auto Show is a racing version of the 918 Spyder, which was first shown in hybrid form at Geneva last year.

It could well be that this 918 racecar employs hybrid technology, too, given the 911 Hybrid almost won the 2010 Nürburgring 24 hour race at its first attempt.

Check out the video teaser after the break.

[Thanks to Wayne for the tip.]

6 replies on “Porsche prepares 918 racecar for Detroit debut”

Hybrid technology is now legal for the Le Mans Series, American Le Mans Series and the 24 Hour Race. I wonder if this will be on the grid for the great race in June?

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