
Nowra racetrack revs up local council

Two days ago the South Coast Register reported on possible plans for a new racetrack just outside Nowra. The discussion came about following a push from CAMS to support the development.

Cr Greg Watson reckons it’s a great idea, “This is a major industry that could bring an enormous amount of wealth to the area and jobs. These opportunities only come along every so often.”

Today, though, Cr John Fergusson has sent the idea off into the armco when he claimed, “Eastern Creek continues to be burning a hole in NSW taxpayers’ pockets despite being centrally located in western Sydney, with a huge population base to support it.

“It’s difficult to contemplate that a high-cost, high-maintenance and seldom used facility (in Nowra) would have any economic justification.”

Despite the duelling councillors a committee has been formed to further investigate the idea.

So, with the Marulan Driver Training Centre and Wakefield Park facilities already within a two-hour drive of Sydney, would a Nowra-based circuit really make sense? Has the closure of the iconic Oran Park created a demand for a new facility in NSW? Is Eastern Creek really the white elephant that Cr Fergusson suggests? We’d love to hear your thoughts below.

[Source: South Coast Register | Thanks to Andrew for the tip]

12 replies on “Nowra racetrack revs up local council”

I’m all for race tracks, but Greg Watson is hardly the most upstanding and transparent councillor that NSW local govt has ever seen. He’s been on that council for probably 20 years, and I’d be willing to bet he’s only pushing it because there’s something in it for him personally :p

My preference as a Sydney resident was always to avoid Wakefield and go to Eastern Creek. I don’t think a track in Nowra would be sustainable though? And more importantly, is EC really burning a hole in tax payers pockets?

Small-time councillors wanting to feather their own nest? Surely you jest!

Anyway I like the idea of a new track because it offers some variety. But I do agree that it seems hard to imagine there is a long-term viable market out there wishing for this to go ahead.

What’s the point of building permanent circuits in Australia / New Zealand when the “premier” motor racing series bypasses them to go race on some shitty street circuit (aka Hamilton NZ, and Homebush).

There is a brand new FIA Grade 1 (i.e. good enough for F1) circuit in New Zealand, it’s called Hampton Downs, and V8 Supercars won’t go there. Then you have Eastern Creek, which V8 Supercars bypass for Homebush.

What hope does a race track have of turning a profit, if the major series in Australia won’t even race there.

@Pinball Yes, you can thank that useless waste of Space Tony Cochraine for that! I spoke to the NSW Sport and Development council regarding the Homebush event and they fought it tooth and nail. But, apparently the general public that watch the race want street circuits (according to Tony)!


As a active member of the PCRA (Post Classic Racing Association), Our club has found it difficult to get track dates since the closure of Oran Park and our club has now had to go interstate to make up for the short fall, due to there being more automotive clubs then are weekends avaiable to host race metes. We desparatly need a another circiut for NSW, Our state has the largest population, but with the least amount of race circiuts. We have way too many golf courses and Turf Clubs so it is not too much to ask for bit of bituman next to a Air Force Base!as this is being privatly funded, even the tax payer need not complain.This is well over due.

Sadly Bathurst council decided not to go ahead with a 2nd (bike) track at Mt. Panorama, so if the Nowra district is considering a track that would be fantastic as travelling interstate is not a great option. This is a VERY popular sport that’s increasing in popularity that falls short with tracks available. NSW is the largest state with the fewest tracks. I beleive that Wakefield Park is used almost 7 days a week, hence there is a demand 🙂

your all looking a little too broad, you need to think of entry level karting and weekend worriors wanting to have a go from our area and having to drive 3 hours to eastern creek and wakefield park, this is exactly what our area needs to not ony boos our communities economy but boost public interest in the wonderful sport motor racing is. with the establishment of local racing clubs coarses could be run on the fundamentals of motoracing, driver training coarses activities for the younger members of the community to experience something they wouldnt ordinarily experience may even curb the growing trend of trouble in our community due to the minimal amount of things to do round here i reckon its the boost our community needs for the greater!

I would like to say as a mother of a child who races go-karts at Wollongong City Raceway and Canberra Race Club that we are sick to death of travelling to to our motorsport. My husband, my father and myself also race as do another 30 of our friends from the Nowra region. I beleive it would be a great assett to our little community. They had to stop the go-karts at Wakefield because they have no track time left for them, it gets used 7 days per week now and fully booked. So you tell me is their a demand for it????? We need something something entertaining in this area for the kids and I think this is the answer! Wakefield is willing to fit the bill so it will not be a burden on tax payers like the Shoalhaven entertainment centre……who’s idea was that white elephant??? DUMB!

IT should absolutley be built. IVe read the comment above that seem to be qusi negative against it in the belief that if the V8 Supercars wont go it would be a waist of money.

Well take a seat and hear the investigated truth.

V8 supercars didnt want to go to Eastern Creek because E/C would not pay their fees to have the cars compete, they didnt need to because Eastern Creek is fully booked out for at least 18 months in advance. Same with Wakefield. We need another track to open up more venues.

In the US towns and Counties (our Shires) fight over who gets race tracks because of the amount of money it brings into the towns, in filling restaurants, hotels, service centres, tyre outletsm etc etc.

Some of the comments above are very closed minded based on beliefs with no reearch. I think it’s wonderful Cr Watson is pushing this, it shows his passion for the Shoalhaven and the youth of the area having a place to go locally to run their cars and take them off the street also.

Shoalhaven the probably a perfect location for a track, dad can come down run his toy all day and mom takes the kids to the many fantastic beaches and wildlife parks.

Fantastic proposal, it will add to the whole tourism of the South Coast area as a whole, and this is where the big picture has to be taken in.

Base none of your thinking on V8 supercars, there on the downhill slide to no where, club racing and club events book out every track in Australia for years in advance and it will bring jobs too.

I drive at club events at Eastern creek and Wakefield Park. As JD says both booked out well in advance by car clubs. V8 Supercars are irrelevent to this proposal. I’m looking forward to this track getting going very much.

As a young member of the community involved in the local automotive scene, a local raceway is definitely a good idea. The most common complaint I hear at work is having to drive over 2 hours to be allowed to enjoy your hobby. There is no denying the shoalhaven possesses a disproportionate number of ‘revheads’ and there would be nothing better than a racetrack to get them off the streets where they risk the lives of themselves- and others.

It would be a sure-bet that the facility would be used, I can think of dozens of people from the local area who would love a place to let loose in their favourite toy without fear of having it confiscated.

100% for this idea, it would add many positive aspects to our area.

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