Formula 1

The best corners in Formula One

Best corners in F1

Over at the website there is an article discussing the eight best corners in F1. Some of the corners are no brainers; Japan’s 130R, Belgium’s Eau Rouge and Silverstone’s Becketts complex are clear stand-outs. But how many of you would have put Brazil’s Mergulho, Turkey’s Turn 8 or Canada’s Wall of Champions on the list?

Watching Formula One cars fly through Eau Rouge and Becketts at full tilt is one of the sport’s greatest visual delights. The cars are dancing on the edge of adhesion at speeds that seem unfathomable to the mere mortals watching on.

Check out the article in full and leave us your comments below on and let us know if there are any corners you like that didn’t make the cut.


One reply on “The best corners in Formula One”

All of those from the article belong on the list for sure. Unfortunately these days Eau Rouge is not as good as it once was with all the tarmac runoff area and modern aerodynamics combining to make sure during dry weather there is no fear involved taking it at full throttle.

Istanbul’s turn 8 is a well-earned inclusion because it is so unique, it would be great to see big GT or Le Mans cars through there at night with sparks flying as they bottom out. I did like the Wall of Champions making it on there because by the list of victims it has built an aura, and it was interesting to see which drivers chickened out and drove across the runoff area most often during that race this year.

Number one for me is the Maggots-Becketts complex at Silverstone. That whole first sector is great and seeing a field of any type of race cars or bikes charge through Copse, Maggots-Becketts onto the Hangar Straight and through Stowe on the first lap or from a safety car restart is about as thrilling as it gets! This first lap charge will sadly be lost to F1 when the pits complex shifts from next year onwards.

Others that could possibly deserve a spot on there are the Swimming Pool section at Monaco, that hairpin with the oddly shaped exit at Shanghai, the La Source hairpin at Spa, the turn 10-11 fast chicane in Melbourne. Ex-F1 tracks possibly deserving spots include the old A1 Ring’s first corner at the top of the hill, the Senna Chicane in Adelaide still used for Supertaxis, the Acqua Mineral at Imola, the original Karussel at the Nordschleife.

It is notable that the new F1 circuit in the USA will feature a number of turns kind of copied from others – the A1 Ring’s turn 1, Maggots-Becketts and Istanbul’s turn eight I think.

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