News Safety Issues

Marulan Driver Training Centre needs your help

MRT Performance track day

AUSmotive recently discovered that the Marulan Driver Training Centre provides a first class facility for road users of various needs and experience. Unfortunately, MDTC is under threat of forced closure due to noise complaints.

On the day I attended MDTC all participants were asked to be mindful of surrounding properties and, anecdotally at least, I can say the noise from our group was kept to an absolute minimum. Keep in mind all cars in attendance were road registered vehicles in compliance with the required noise standards.

So, what can you do to help? The Marulan Region Portal is currently running a poll to gauge support or otherwise for the Marulan Driver Training Centre. If you have used the facilities at MDTC and found them to be worthwhile, or if you generally support the facility, please take the time to vote in the poll, which can be found at the bottom of the homepage.

As well as “Drive your street car” days Garry Wilmington and his staff offer numerous driver training programs aimed at improving road skills of inexperienced road users. The skills taught are not just about car control, but also take in driver attitude and hazard perception techniques.

MDTC plays an important role in driver education and it would be a real shame if it was forced to close down. Please do what you can to help and spread word of this poll.

10 replies on “Marulan Driver Training Centre needs your help”

It’s a real shame. He obviously had to get planning approval and then built at great expense this facility.

People have the right to object at the appropriate. I’m sure it is anecdotal noise evidence not meausured either.

Get behind the petition!

The opposition to this facility is beyond belief.
Garry has bent over backwards to accomodate everyone,but nothing he does is acceptable to them.
Noise complaints are an absolute joke.The nearest propert is approximately 3k away….
He took a noise meter down to one of the properties when there were cars on the track and the birds in the trees were making more noise….
I don’t suppose the opposition have noticed that they’re living adjacent to the M5.
The circuit is DA approved,and operates well under the approved noise level,and complies fuuly with all of it’s requirements.
Basically,no matter what Garry does the complaints won’t stop.
The usual “not in my back yard” syndrome from a very vocal minority.
This is a very valuable driver training facility that Garry has put an enormous amount of time and money into.
He is passionate about driver education and training,and with all the rhetoric about the Road Toll it’s nice to see someone doing something positive about it rather than just
getting more speed cameras…..
Please vote on the link provided.

Ditto to what Liam and Len have said. I can’t believe the opposition to this facility either. Seems to me the amount of noise complaints received by a few, is akin to harrassment. Garry has gone above and beyond what he needs to do to assure he is adhering to the noise level limits.
I have taken my son to MDTC on numerous occasions as he is learning to drive, and I believe that such a facility is the best way to learn to be comfortable at the wheel of a car before getting out onto the public roads.
Have put this info on Twitter too, to help the word get out there. Already getting good responses.

I found this from and it reminds me of the ‘No Aircraft Noise’ complaints which are overwhelmingly from a few people at most.

I’d like to know the number of individuals sending the complaints and what % of complaints are made by a few pests.

Surely safe driving and lives saved are important to these people.

Would they prefer no driver training in their area and higher risks of death on the road?

I have voted in favour of MDTC. Rather some cars 3km away than my neighbours 15yo roaring up and down the hill all day on his MX bike

i dont understand the mentality of some people,,,do people hate cars so much in this nanny state?,that a driver training track in the middle of nowhere still draws complaints..there has to be another motive..and it sounds to me someone is trying to keep a monopoly..and this is how its done..good luck gary im behind you.and your cause

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