Holden Motor Shows

Hay stack

HDT VH Commodore @ Goodwood FoS

The Goodwood Festival of Speed usually brings out some classic old racecars out for a run up the hill. Sometimes those classic machines don’t always return home in the pristine condition they arrived in. Here you can see Peter Champion, driving his former Brock/Perkins HDT Commodore, got things a little bit wrong during Friday’s action.

Champion ran wide, got into the grass, before ultimately punting the VH Commodore into the hay bales. Thankfully those bales helped to minimise the damage and repairs to the car which won the 1982 James Hardie 1000.

Speaking after the incident Champion said, “The brakes don’t get hot enough to work so I was relying on second gear to slow me down. Only problem was – I went for second and got fourth!”

The Commodore’s General Motors roots came in handy and Champion sourced a replacement steering rack from a 1982 Vauxhall Carlton and was back racing again on Saturday.

[Source: Goodwood FoS | Thanks to Terence for the tip and the pics]

HDT VH Commodore @ Goodwood FoS

HDT VH Commodore @ Goodwood FoS

HDT VH Commodore @ Goodwood FoS

HDT VH Commodore @ Goodwood FoS

21 replies on “Hay stack”

Two thoughts.

Is that sponsorship legal?
If it is, it shouldn’t be.

waste of a perfectly good hay bale.

Billy Bob.

It is only sponsorship if it is paid for. No legality issue there.

Classic old car. Pity to see it bent but at least it is still out being driven hard!


This is what happens when someone with a huge sum of money runs out of driving ability. Just leave the classic cars in your shed Peter. In 1 day you did more damage to that car than what Peter Brock did in a full season. Just cause you can afford to buy these cars doesn’t mean you have what it takes to drive them……goose

Typical 4 door ‘enthusiast’ thinks he should ‘gun it’ around goodwood.

Worried about the cigarette advertising. You loser as if it matters. These rich guys should be applauded for keeping these cars around for all to see

The time it takes to change pads to something a little softer would have been about 1hr tops…WTF! Still great to see them out there, but a little foresight would not have gone astray.

shit happends but god its sad to see how about be carefull with the priceless aussie history, it would be like a pome watching luise hamiltin playing hacky sack with the crown.

Great to see a piece of Aussie history still doing what it does best, happy to hear it was fixed OK.

Bad luck Peter, good to see you giving it a run. I’ll bet the Poms loved it.

It’s history being driven and not collecting dust in some shed ….. its just adds to its history …. it was stacked by some clown …. its a race car great to see it driven …. billy your an idiot

have just seen the responces to the incedent
in 05 Peter Champion good on u mate four doing what your friend would have wanted u to do the car and the man were legends on the race track .to the idiot who questioned the sponsorship paint job if u lived in Australia and new anything about our motoring history the red and white paint and the big 05 number are what we took notice of plus the man who never smoked or drank a day in his life . Yes even Peter Brock needed sponsorship dollars unfortunatly that dollar is gone from the sport but the car manufactures have taken that up .Good on you
Peter Champion for keeping 05 and the man alive (Peter Brock) Quote / Live your dreams.

you are a disgrace to the holden brock and australia that is one of the most important car in our history

Rod, have you got a clue what you are talking about?

“the big 05 number are what we took notice of plus the man who never smoked or drank a day in his life .”

Peter Brock never smoked or drank a day in his life? Give me a break…..I’m not saying he was bad or anything, just that he wasn’t perfect even though we idolize him. Me included!

And Thomas, you’re an idiot. Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is?

Why shouldn’t Peter Champion have a bit of fun with these cars? He owns them & has the money to fix them if he stuffs up. Good on you Peter, enjoy them the way Brocky would have wanted you to!

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