Top Gear

The hard case

Guy Ritchie - SIARPC

Don’t look now, but Guy Ritchie is heading straight at you, seemingly out of control. Well, according to the Mirror, that was the common theme among the Top Gear camera crew this week as the movie man went through an impressive four cars during his appearance on the leading motoring program.

A fan who attended the taping of the show explains that Ritchie, featuring in the Star In A Reasonably Priced Car segment, was unable to handle the wet conditions and showed a hunger for trashing Chevrolet Lacettis.

“Guy chose a really tough day to try to set a fast lap,” said the fan, “He told the show’s presenters it was a wet track and he had ended up breaking four cars over the course of the day, including destroying one of the gearboxes.”

Trivia buffs of the show will be interested to know that there were four cars on hand. To the best of my knowledge it has only ever been mentioned that one back up car exists.

UK viewers will be able to see Ritchie’s shenanagins in the fourth episode of the current series, which airs on UK screen in just a few hours.
