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BMW returns to product placement

You may remember BMW trying to flog their Z3 and Z8 roadsters with the help of one Mr James Bond. Since then, though, the Munich company has been far less high profile at pushing their products through entertainment media, such as Hollywood films. Even The Italian Job, featuring MINI, the then new jewel of the BMW Group, was over six years ago.

But, this is all about to change. BMW have just entered a partnership with Propaganda GEM, a specialist media company that helps its clients push its wares while we’re supposed to be sidetracked by a movie, or something. They look after such names as Audi, Bang & Olufsen, Bvlgari, Casio, Lamborghini, Nokia and Panasonic. Although, Propaganda GEM’s 13 year relationship with Audi will be coming to an end, to make way for BMW. Presumably Lambo will be dropped, as well.

Along with the usual advertainment of specific product lines, this new deal will see BMW pushing themes. Expect lines such as “the joy of driving” or “EfficientDynamics” to be espoused by Hollywood’s A-list, among others.

Ralf Hussmann, head of sport marketing and corporate sponsorships for BMW, says “We are definitely looking forward to lift product placement to the next level. We are a car manufacturer but we have different topics to talk about.”

It would appear, then, that BMW’s old F1 budget has been siphoned away from good to be spent on evil! Well, that’s what I think anyway. How about you, would you rather BMW stayed in Formula One, or are they better ramping up this product placement gig?

[Source: Variety via autoblog]