Motorsports Video

Smash up derby

Ouch! Here for your enjoyment, if you can call it that, is 10 minutes of YouTube carnage titled “Crazy Finns Crashing”.

Seems noone bothered to the tell the Finnish the old motorsport adage, to finish first, first you have to finish.

Given the recent Jenson Button rumours, you have to wonder if we will see Kimi Raikonnen adding to this party clip in 2010.


5 replies on “Smash up derby”

All those poor little escorts getting ruined 🙁

What were those little rear drive hatchbacks that everyone was rolling?

.. And I see Mr oioioioioio has had his video camera out again haha!

I love it how they laugh and cheer and give the driver thumbs up like they spent all week digging holes on the sides of roads to eat up rally cars…

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