
I love 911s, but I couldn’t eat a whole one

Porsche 911 choc top

Some car dealers will go to extraordinary lengths to attract publicity, but Porsche Centrum Gelderland in the Netherlands seems to have hit the sweet spot with this stunt. They have covered a 911 Carrera S in chocolate to attract attention to themselves. And, hats off to them, it has worked with this little blog on the other side of the world giving them a free plug.

The dealer went to these extraordinary lengths in honour of the “Sinterklaas” holiday, celebrated in the Netherlands on 5 December. Apparently 175kg of chocolate was used to cover the car. That really is a lot of chocolate!

Perhaps more astounding is the revelation that this car will be on display until Christmas. The dealer says the dealership won’t get over 27°C, and leading into a European winter, the chocolate sculpture is bound to be pretty safe.

Chocolate and supercars.—what a wonderful, if bizarre combination, I still couldn’t eat a whole one, though.

More sweetness after the jump.

[Source: AutoTelegraaf via autoblog]

Porsche 911 choc top

Porsche 911 choc top

Porsche 911 choc top

Porsche 911 choc top

Porsche 911 choc top

Porsche 911 choc top

2 replies on “I love 911s, but I couldn’t eat a whole one”

I would not be buying that “executive demonstrator”. Imagine all the chips of choc getting into the airvents etc.


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