Formula 1 Renault

Terminator X sends Flav down

Flavio Briatore

Documents released by the FIA reveal that a fourth Renault team member knew about “Crashgate” while the plans were being hatched. Previously, it was understood that only team boss Flavio Briatore, Executive Director Pat Symonds and Nelson Piquet Jr knew of the plan to fix the 2008 Singapore Grand Prix.

The witness testimony from this fourth member, referred to by AUSmotive as “Terminator X”, is what sealed Briatore’s fate and saw him condemned to a life ban from Formula One. All relevant parties have been asked to keep the identity of the whistle-blower confidential.

Court documents state that Renault F1 believes knowledge of this conspiracy was limited to the four individuals. “Terminator X” was not a willing participant in the “Crashgate” plot and on hearing of the plans objected immediately. It is believed that the whistle-blower did not know if the conspiracy would actually be carried out until the moment Piquet Jr crashed.

A two page statement from a contrite Pat Symonds is also included in the documents and it can be read in full after the jump. It makes an interesting read and confirms earlier reports that Symonds claims the whole ordeal was a plan of Piquet Jr’s creation.

I doubt we have heard the last of this.

[Source: BBC]

Pat Symonds letter to WMSC

Pat Symonds letter to WMSC

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