Green Machines

A greener shade of pale

How green are electric cars?

Electric powered cars—the green and sustainable future of motoring right? Well, that all depends on where the power is sourced to recharge the battery.

GoAuto have an interesting article that scrapes the surface of this sometimes heated and controversial subject. In the Australian market can an electric car genuinely claim to be a zero emissions vehicle?

Dr Peter Pudney from the University of South Australia, an independent expert on electric vehicles (EVs) and their infrastructure, spoke to GoAuto and said it is difficult to establish how clean an EV really is on account of Australia’s varied methods of sourcing power. He did say this, though:

“If you are using brown coal (to generate electricity for your EV) you would be slightly worse off than a comparable vehicle using traditional fuel.”

There is more to it than that, of course, so follow the link below and read the article in full. You’ll quickly realise there is a hell of a lot more to this issue than the car manufacturer’s PR departments would have you believe.

[Source: GoAuto]