
VW ready to scrap Cayenne and Panamera?

Porsche Cayenne Turbo

According to tinternet reports Volkswagen could scrap the Porsche Cayenne model line at the end of its model cycle. More noteworthy, however, is the suggestion that the recently launched four-door Panamera could also meet the same fate. That would mean around seven more years of big Porsche luxo-barges roaming the streets.

Apparently Volkswagen reckon there are plenty of other companies catering to these market segments and Porsche should just leave well enough alone. Quite what the demise of the platform sharing Cayenne might mean for Volkswagen’s own Touareg model is unclear.

It is understood that VW chairman Ferdinand Piech was always against taking Porsche into unchartered waters and now that Volkswagen has more of a say and, bitter boardroom rival Wendelin Wiedeking is no longer in the frame, Piech is keen to take Porsche back into sportscar only mode.

Also of note are suggestions that Porsche will create a successor to the mighty Carrera GT and, once again, share a sportscar line with Volkswagen.

[Source: AutoObserver]

7 replies on “VW ready to scrap Cayenne and Panamera?”

About time! if you want a 4WD then buy a Toyota Land Cruiser, besides the Cayenne is a VW chassis with an Audi engine

Yeah as much as I hate these look at me SUV’s Porsche supposedly makes good money from them and it gets customers in the door who wouldn’t otherwise be there.

I have the say the theory surprised me a little bit too, but we’ll see how this one develops. I get the feeling it’s more about Piech having his own way than anything else, haha.

that’d be stupid if they did that…
But i spose getting one of the last models would be a bit of an investment right?

I have heard that the new one will be quite nice looking. They are close to completion so even if Piech gets his way, it will only stop after this new one comes out next year. I wouldn’t mind one in a couple of years.

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