Accessories & Tech

TomTom iPhone cradle

Last week TomTom released their navigation software for the iPhone. Now, a new video has been released on YouTube which showcases their cradle. Designed specifically for the iPhone it looks pretty good. Well, in a promo video of course it would, so real world reports from end-users will be worth waiting for.

Nothing immediately available on pricing just yet. If you hear of anything, please leave a comment below.

[Thanks to Yianni for the tip]

One reply on “TomTom iPhone cradle”

preorder pricing for the UK has it (cradle and software) down as 113GBP – roughly AU$220 on today’s exchange.

Although it’d be great to declutter the car by having “one device to do it all” would it be better to have a dedicated GPS that costs abt the same, and won’t get you lost if you receive a call mid way through a few critical turns?

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