Formula 1

Ferrari claws back over Schumacher testing catfight

Ferrari claws back at Williams

Miaaooooww! Ferrari has clawed back at Williams over the British team’s refusal to allow special dispensation for Michael Schumacher to break the in season testing rules. Ferrari want to give Schumacher some track time in the 2009 F60 before the European Grand Prix which takes place later this month. The BBC reports of a Ferrari statement taking a swipe at Williams’ recent lack of success, saying they are “a team that hasn’t won anything for years and yet didn’t pass over the opportunity to demonstrate once more a lack of spirit of fair play.” Ooh, angry kitteh!

And just when things in F1 looked to settle down after the new concorde agreement had been signed, guaranteeing the status quo will remain until 2012.

Now, the Schumacher comeback has given us a new controversy to enjoy. Of course, there has been bad blood in the past between the Williams team and Schumacher (1994 and 1997). So now it is claws at ten paces in pitlane! Will Williams strike back?

[Thanks to Dave for the YouTube tips: “fair play”, “1994” and “1997”]

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