Formula 1

Mark Webber talks about his maiden GP win

Mark Webber - 2009 German F1 Grand Prix winner

Just in case you can’t get enough of Mark Webber’s maiden Grand Prix win, check out his column on the BBC F1 website. Here’s a bit of what he has to say:

“I do think the fact that I have my first Grand Prix win finally under my belt has sunk in.

It definitely helps that it hasn’t come out of nowhere. The momentum has been building a while —I’ve now had two second place finishes and a win in my last three GPs—and I’ve known for a while this season that the team and I could do this…”

UPDATE: For more on Mark Webber from the BBC – “Why Webber always had star quality”

[Source: BBC | Thanks to Wayne for the TXT | Thanks to Sean for the second link]