MINI Targa Tasmania

AUSmotive returning to Targa Tasmania

AUSmotive returning to Targa Tasmania

AUSmotive will be making the trek to Tasmania this weekend as preparations for Targa Tasmania get into full swing. I will be returning to work as part of the service crew for two privateer entrants, Andrew Robinson (#923) and Stu Jones (#916).

Here’s to a great rally for the guys, especially after Robbo’s disappointment last year.

Keep an eye on their progress on the Targa website and in the meantime keep your fingers crossed that no big motoring stories break while I am away!

7 replies on “AUSmotive returning to Targa Tasmania”


I’m quote jealous – haha!

Let’s hope they complete the event this time. Good luck Andrew

haha Liam good thing you got the Scirocco story in when you did 🙂

Good luck to Roobo and Stu, look forward to hearing how you go.

Hi Liam,

Why don’t you have bigger stickers this year?

D’oh, and raise your D’oh to a double D’oh!

We need some decent ausmotive stickers for both cars!



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