
Lets do the time warp again


The Volkswagen Golf VI has been criticised for being too small a jump from the previous generation V. For motoring enthusiasts, the relevance of this criticism will hold strongest in the hero GTI model. Seeing as I was busy when the recent launch took place on the French Riveria we’ll have to make do with reading the thoughts of those who were there.

Drivers Republic are right up there in terms of holding credibility in the motoring hack segment. You can be assured that they will tell it like it is. As an unashamed GTI fan, I’m hoping they give the car a big thumbs up.

The above photo shows the lads didn’t hold back in putting the car through it’s paces. And the blacktop in which the car was tested also left nothing to chance, with a series of switchbacks and flowing curves.

So, is the new GTI a step forward, or a jump to the left? Find out for yourself…

(Thanks to Chris for the tip.)

3 replies on “Lets do the time warp again”

Enjoyed the read! DR always have great pics.

My only gripe is the rear touareg style lights. But that’s nit-picking, really. O, and the fact that in about 2 years after it goes on sale you’ll see more per day than you will have had hot dinners!

I didn’t really like the rear lights at first either, but after staring at pics for the last few months, and now seeing a few on the road, they actually look very good I think.

In pics, they tend to look a bit too big, but when you see them in front of you I reckon they look fine.

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