Fifth Gear Ford

Fifth Gear drives 2009 Ford Focus RS

Jason Plato from Fifth Gear has been handed a set of keys to the new Focus RS. It’s a pretty wild looking thing, and with 300bhp (225kW) powering the front wheels it sounds like a recipe for disaster. However, thanks to its tricky RevoKnuckle suspension system, which maximises grip, Ford seems to think everything will be okay.

So, it loses marks for lime green paint. It loses marks for hamfisted naming of its technology. But does the Focus RS lose any marks for the driving experience? Not on Jason Plato’s shift, it doesn’t.

Find out more about the Focus RS by downloading this PDF (724kb) or by checking our the website.

8 replies on “Fifth Gear drives 2009 Ford Focus RS”

440nm of torque through the front wheel? Hmm, I don’t know. But if it is as good as Jason says it is, maybe I can be tempted back into a hatch! (R26.R would have done that job just fine!)

It’s kinda crap its not 4wd, but there’s no doubt it gives me a stiffy. Also it doesnt come in black which is doubly crap

[…] Mark Webber has spent some time on the off-season trying his hand as a motoring hack. At least, that’s how it’s been presented in UK daily newspaper the Telegraph. Given the icy conditions it was little more than a bit of hit and giggle really. But, if you’re a hot hatch fan then of course you’ll want to know what he thought of the Volkswagen Golf GTI, Renaultsport Megane 250 and Ford Focus RS. […]

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