
1970s Ford GT stash uncovered in South Africa

Ford Fairmont GT stash in South Africa

Many readers will have great memories of the Australian muscle car era. The best years were the 1970s and one of the best examples of the age is the XW/XY Ford Falcon GT. Not as many of you will remember that during that era a whole bunch of Falcon GT parts were exported to South Africa where they were assembled into Fairmont GTs. Recently (or perhaps not), a large haul of Fairmont GTs was unearthed making Ford enthusiasts across the country go weak at the knees.

There were a few cosmetic difference between the Fairmont and Ford GT models, but essentially they are the same car. Indeed, in the areas that matter, these were fair dinkum Falcon GTs.

There appear to be scant facts around about the way this collection was built, but interweb rumour suggests the cars were purchased individually in South Africa with the sole intention of exporting them back “home”. The idea being, of course, that the home grown collecter market would gobble these GTs up at some profit to the importer.

Ford Fairmont GT stash in South Africa

The further one digs, the murkier the water becomes. One story goes that a bloke by the name of Tom Druce was seeking the cars in South Africa under the pretence that they would be restored and placed in a museum. The reality (or the internet forum reality, at least) shows that the cars were brought back to Australia and sold for a tidy profit.

Another rumour suggests that 10 Fairmont GTs were bought for the small sum of AU$15,000 each. While it is the GTHO Phase III that creates the headlines as far as auction prices go ($750,000 is the record),  the more humble GTs of the same era have been known to sell for over $200,000. You don’t have to be Einstein to calculate probable profits here, even if the cars were in an unrestored state.

You will also notice what looks to be a Holden HT Monaro. These too were sold in South Africa and badged as a Chevrolet SS.

Whatever the real story is with this collection of cars, one thing is certain, there are a lot of fans out there who would love to get their hands these cars and restore them to showroom condition.

There are a lot of holes in this article and if you can shed some further light as to the facts of the matter, I’d love to hear from you.

Source: Dirt Bike World forum & (Thanks to Jono for sending this in.)

Ford Fairmont GT stash in South Africa

Ford Fairmont GT stash in South Africa

12 replies on “1970s Ford GT stash uncovered in South Africa”

Looking at purchasing a XY GT or Fairmont GT
Any help be appriciated.

Hey Mate, Let me give the introduction for all the speculation to begin all over again.
Yes I am the Tom Druce that you refer to here, those are a small part of my collection, not donated or stolen in fact I paid up front cash money for them all and not one was purchased for as little as $15,000. however my purchase prices are my business and let me tell you there are no foolish or dumb old pensioners out there in South Africa to be conned out of their cars, These owners were all “fat cat” whites that have plenty of money and from the previous Apartheid regime, the advantaged group prior to the new democracy.
This is my story, first of all thanks for the nice introductory story about me ………and some of my cars, thanks so much, yes these are my babies, most of the nicer ones are still in my big shed with me, I have sold a few the boring rusted ugly white diamond ones and recently added a few more from my personal collection in South Africa, plus four Holden Monaro GTS plus some very nice new more exciting GT’s including one immaculate XW GT, some are in my Museum in Perth. Some are stored in my premises in Port Elizabeth,South Africa, and by the way I have also recently acquired the most beautiful Studebaker Hawk in South Africa.
That car alongside my genuine Gunston Orange GT are my personal babies in daily use, I have a huge collection of exotic GTs Chevy SS Holden Monaros Classic Mercedes Etc Etc.

For your information I am not a stirrer or a bad rich guy, far from that I am a 71 year old Grandfather with “attitude” enough guts, and big enough balls to go out there and to invest my hard earned life savings buying up and restoring these classics from the days of my youth.

Some “dickheads” with shrivelled up testicles, out there in the Fairmont GT Forum believe that these GT’s are sacred, only to be enjoyed and owned by their chosen few, just read the crap that they feed their bunch of morons, I have been banned from the boring Fairmont GT Forum of Boxy and his bunch of “rabbits”. Just because I have got the guts to tell it the way it is…….Boxy is a big fat Sissy with his minions in tow, they hide behind their sissy Forum rules, not even one of them have ever seen my cars.
They make unfounded comments, and yes except for Boxy,

He could not stay away, he called my son Tom jnr and whilst I was away, came to my home cap in hand and was blown away by the collection.

Yes you are right,one does not have to be Einstein to calculate the profits here, maybe I can perhaps help your people to also own none of these beauties.
I am apalled to see the rusted rubbish displayed on that Forum that some foolish people have been importing from the scrapyards and ghettos of South Africa.

As a matter of interest I am shipping a few of the absolute classics back to South Africa soon simply because I feel an obligation to the enthusiasts over there. Do you think that there will be a huge hue and cry from the locals? ……………no I do not think so they will be just too glad if the prices go up even more………bloody greedy buggers.
Thanks for the nice website and the lovely story about an old guy who hit the jackpot.
Kind Regards
Tom Druce.

Get upem tom ,the Ford forum wankers sit there whith prick in thier hands belting off and dribbling shit and if truth be known they more than likely drive a ford anglia good on ya mate FOR having the balls to do what you do .cheers Tom

By the way i bet the author of the little article above yours got a shock when you drove it up him you never know whos watching DO YOU eh jono & boxy

“The original author” is just reporting what he heard – as an old Holden fan (we dont hold it against him!) the websites creator (and author) just likes a good innernets conspiracy!

Its nice to hear from Tom Druce and I think good on him. If he can get a bit up the Hansie Cronje lovers and make a few pennys along the way…. half his luck!

Sounds like Tom Druce was rogered by a big black man in the back of a Fairmont GT and has never forgiven Sth Africa or anyone who owns a Fairmont GT. Is this response for real or what. If so what a Dickhead.

Old bitter and full of lies.
Not one of those cars will ever see SA again and his cry for sympathy is quite sad.
Tom was kicked of the Fairmont GT site for threatning to have a member “fixed up”.
Tom your type give South Africans a bad name here in Australia – go home to your country and leave ours alone.

Hi there, I feel I need to clarify a few things here. Tom Druce was banned from the Fairmont GT forum because of slander & his abusive manner in the way that he threatened one of our members whom worked in South Africa. I as Administrator gave Tom (3) warnings for his abusive behaviour third strike I banned him this was after my members received abusive emails & private messages myself included.

These e-mail’s I have saved in my data files for days such as this. The Fairmont GT forum is for enthusiast from all walks of life we have 481 members we made Tom quite welcome as we do everyone but Tom is dealing with his own demons (the bottle) & his son whom I get on very well with (funny that) has explained a few things to me make it all make sense & can tell you he is not amused with his fathers antics.

So rather than slander old Tom on here as he has me done to me (Again) I will let you guys make your mind up. Its funny when Tom was trying sell his GT’s he was my best friend!!, He does not have a museum as stated in Perth & yes I was invited to see his collection by his son, Tom was at home at the time but did not care to meet this 6ft 2 120kg rabbit perhaps a keyboard warrior? The collection was great & I enjoyed my time with his Son whom I have seen since he is a top bloke. I will add that Tom Druce is the ONLY member ever to be banned from the Fairmont GT website. Feel free to pop in and have a read.

All the best

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