
R35 Nissan GT-R written off

Nissan GT-R write off

Spotted via CarAdvice and the NAGTROC forum was the sad news that a newly delivered R35 Nissan GT-R had met an early demise. It seems the Singaporean driver was on his way to Sepang for a few track thrills. Too much ah beng and not enough talent I guess, poor bloke. There’s more pics on the NAGTROC forum for you to have a gander at if twisted metal gets you off. I think the damage to this car is sufficient enough to declare, no, it won’t buff right out.

3 replies on “R35 Nissan GT-R written off”

Dave, apparently the driver/owner is Singaporean and he was on his way to Sepang. Ah beng, ahhhhhh bang! 😛

(I’ve edited the original text above…)

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