Ferrari Ford

Ferrari responds to Ford’s F150 claims

Ferrari has responded to Ford’s claims of trademark infringement over the use of the F150 name by agreeing to rename its 2011 Formula One car the Ferrari 150th Italia. Indeed, Ferrari say this was always the full name of the car, but they abbreviated it to F150 for convenience. Really?! We think this is all […]

Ferrari Ford

Ford wants Ferrari to stop using F150 name

Until late January, when Ferrari launched their 2011 F1 car, the name F150 immediately conjured up images of hillbillies chowing down some grits for breakfast before heading off to… well, let’s not go there, lest Ford’s lawyers come our way as well. The point being Ford’s F-series truck range is well known the world over. […]


Ferrari’s new F150 supercar revealed (or not)

Ferrari has sensationally revealed their new F150 hypercar on Christmas eve and we can bring you this exclusive new photo! Okay, well maybe not, but after seeing Ferrari reignite the F150 bagde, even if it may only be an internal code, we couldn’t resist bringing back this spoof image from last year, following Ford’s demands […]


Looking back at the new Ferrari F150

Earlier in the month we got a look at the front of the Ferrari F70. Now, the Ferrari website is teasing the F70’s backside, as well as its front, with a page titled “Special Limited Series”. And what do you know, Ferrari’s new hypercar isn’t going to be called the F70 at all, rather the […]

Ferrari Formula 1

Ferrari unveils 2012 F1 car

Ferrari has just released images of their new F1 car for the upcoming season. This year it’s simply called the F2012, leaving behind the unique F150 naming saga from last season. Now, that “alligator” nose. It’s not pretty is it. Ferrari acknowledge this too, saying: “The nose has a step in it that is not […]

Ferrari Ford

Ferrari changes name of the F1 car formerly known as F150 … again

Ford has formally dropped its claims against Ferrari for using the F150 name. Although, that hasn’t stopped The Horse Whisperer column on the Ferrari website form making a few digs at the American auto giant. Ferrari’s 2011 Formula One car, previously known as the F150, then the Ferrari F150th Italia, will now be known as […]

Ferrari Formula 1

Ferrari unveils 2011 F1 car

Ferrari has taken the lead in the 2011 Formula One season already by being the first team to launch its new car. Ferrari have labelled this one the F150; no, it’s not an old Ford pickup, but a 21st century racing machine. Out go the blown diffuser and “F-duct” rear wings and back comes KERS […]