Ferrari Formula 1

Another batch of retro F1 joy

Bruce Thomson F1 sketches

We’d never heard of Bruce Thomson until this morning, but we can see he is clearly a good bloke. His blog is chock-full of stunning motorsport themed sketches. Some of the highlights are an ongoing series of retro F1 drawings.

Rather than just applying a retro livery to an existing modern design, Thomson has taken things to a new level by sketching his own cars as well. Who knows if they’d prove to be effective aerodynamically, we do know they’re damn effective visually.

Some sketches are a blend of old and new, others are reinterpretations of old iconic liveries. All are beautiful things to look at. Getting the Thomson treatment are Ferrari, Williams, Mercedes, Lotus and McLaren.

Make sure you check out Thomson’s F1 Cartoon series too.

Bruce Thomson F1 sketches

2 replies on “Another batch of retro F1 joy”

I have to admit, those paint schemes of old looked so good. The F1 cars today paint schemes look boring, unimaginative and all the same compared to yesteryear. It’s surprising because you would think the sponsors would demand more distinctive paint schemes like of old that stand out and promote their brand more.

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