
Dany Bahar sharpens his claws

Dany Bahar, former Lotus CEO

It’s been a couple of months now since Dany Bahar was shown the door at Group Lotus. But the celebrity CEO not taking his sacking lying down and has lodged a wrongful dismissal claim aganst Lotus and its Malaysian owner DRB-Hicom.

Always one to dream big, Bahar is seeking compensation to the tune of £6.7m (AU$10.2m).

News of Bahar’s legal challenge was confirmed by lawyers acting on behalf of DRB-Hicom last week. In responding to the claims DRB-Hicom’s lawyers said: “Dany Bahar was dismissed after an investigation into his stewardship of Lotus. We believe we have acted properly at all times.”

[Source: Bloomberg Businessweek | Pic: Gabriel Bouys/AFP/Getty Images]

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