Formula 1 News

Aussie Chris Hemsworth to play James Hunt

Chris Hemsworth as James Hunt

Chris Hemsworth, former Australian soapie star and Thor leading man, will play James Hunt in Ron Howard’s F1 movie Rush. From a physical likeness point of view it’s not a bad match. Let’s hope he does the loveable rogue character of James Hunt well. It’d be a great role to play, that’s for sure!

German actor Daniel Brühl will play Niki Lauda. The movie is due out in 2013 and we’re getting sucked into the build up and can’t wait to see what Howard delivers.

The official word on the movie reads: “Following their personal lives on and off the track, Rush follows the two drivers as they push themselves to the breaking point of physical and psychological endurance, where there is no shortcut to victory and no margin for error. If you make one mistake, you die.”

[Source: Mail Online]

6 replies on “Aussie Chris Hemsworth to play James Hunt”

This is not exactly new news. Follow @RealRonHoward on twitter. He posts new content shots and information about ‘Rush’ every day. I found this out about a month ago with some shots he posted.

Yeah, I started following Howard a week or two back. The Hemsworth pics emerged at the start of this month. Not sure how I missed it until now!

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