BMW Saab

Are we witnessing the start of SAABMW?

Saab - BMW

A recent blog post at Saabs United has breathed new life into the hope that Saab can emerge from its latest financial despair.

Today the bankruptcy administrators held another of their weekly press-conferences and talked mostly about the pressing salary situation for so many of the employees. They did confirm that they needed another week to sort things out.

One very interesting confirmation from the administrators was also that they highest bidder might not win the deal. The deal will go to the company that can present the best combination which will benefit the creditors, employees and the region the most. In other words the deal will go to a company that re-starts production again and has the money, know-how and credibility to run it for a long long time…

6-7 serious bidders have been confirmed and among them is a European car-manufacturer according to several sources to different media. What was interesting this time is that these companies want to build Saabs. We have gotten very strong indications from several independent sources that this european company is German and located in Munich. This company has the intention as Till mentioned in an earlier article, to build Saabs and their own cars on the same platform. You can probably figure out the rest for yourselves…

Reading some of the comments posted to Saabs United it seems a BMW buyout would not be universally supported by current Saabists, with claims the Swedish marque is the antithesis of the major German prestige players. There’s also speculation among the readers that BMW could be interested in Saab to help complement its foray into front-wheel drive vehicles.

Watch this space!

[Source: Saabs United]