Formula 1 News

Advance screenings of ‘Senna’ about to start

Ayrton Senna

Advance screenings: Melbourne (20, 22 & 30 July) // Sydney (28 July & 4 August)

As most of you will know the general Australian release of the Senna documentary is 11 August. Not too far away. For those who can’t wait any longer there are a few advance screenings coming soon.

The award-winning movie has already screened at festivals in Adelaide and Sydney. Now Melbourne is getting ready for its premiere screening of Senna at an invitation only Australian Grand Prix Corporation event later this week.

However, Sydney movie goers will have two further chances to catch Senna before general release, with tickets for both still currently available. First is the Circuit Club charity event (28 July) before Alan Jones, 1980 F1 world champ, presents the movie at the Orpheum (4 August).

[Pic: Facebook | Thanks to Tom for the tip]

UPDATE: Senna will also be screening at the Melbourne International Film Festival on 22 and 30 July.

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