Formula 1 News

Village Cinemas confirm August debut for Senna

Senna: The movie

Village Cinemas have confirmed with an AUSmotive reader that Senna is currently scheduled to premiere on their screens on Thursday 11 August. Previous word from Manish Pandey, the film’s writer, advised the documentary would debut in Australia on Thursday 21 July.

The note from Village indicates the dates are set by the distributor, and if we hear anything new we’ll share it with you as soon as we can.

[Thanks to David for the tip]

8 replies on “Village Cinemas confirm August debut for Senna”

I work at Village and will be showing Senna, it is listed in the specialized section of upcoming movies for Aug 11th and will most likely be shown at the more Arty theartes.

This is such balony! They film has been released in the UK for weeks and is already being sold on DVD in Japan. And the movie industry wonders why piracy rates are so high in Australia!!

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