Fifth Gear

Fifth Gear looks set for 2010 comeback

Fifth Gear set for 2010 comeback

According to former Fifth Gear presenter Jonny Smith, it looks like the other British TV show will be making a comeback in 2010. Smith posted the above tweet on Christmas morning (Australian time) and it makes quite a clear statement indicating Fifth Gear will be back.

News emerged in October that Fifth Gear would be cancelled, and the rumour was soon confirmed by Channel Five execs. If the show does return it will be interesting to see if there have been any format changes, or, more importantly, staff changes. Lose Tim Shaw and you have yourself a pretty handy lineup, really.

While it it may be true that Top Gear warms the hearts of more car fans across the globe, I believe Fifth Gear does have a place. If you agree, don’t forget you can get your fix by watching Fifth Gear Web TV.

7 replies on “Fifth Gear looks set for 2010 comeback”

I watched the last season. The thing I found is it’s such a boring show. Also there was always a competition they were pushing every episode far too hard making it all a bit crass.

They need to drop the fat bearded guy he is useless and not funny, also drop the guy who hosts with him another boring chump. Get the lazy Tiff and Plato to start hosting it again not just doing the pre recorded road tests and also get Vicky back doing more rather than less. Keep the dweeb doing the budget car alternatives (I quite liked that) only put a bit more effort in selecting the right budget cars.

Fifth Gear has the better drivers, so they need to push that a bit more. They don’t need to be as funny as TopGear. At the moment they are all over the shop and I can see why they are losing viewers rather than gaining them in the UK.

Channel 5 need to whack Tim Shaw, and drop the silly competition in each episode. The money saved could be used to make the show a bit more interesting.

Or they could use the money saved to fund a second TV show. I have two TV shows actually.

Don’t forget that you can also watch old episodes on seven-two. Those old episodes may lack the entertainment factor of TG but the road tests are much more informative.

Fifth gear is for people who have a genuine passion for cars top gear is just an entertainment show which is currently pushing the British public a bit too far with their ridiculous attitude towards the license payees money.
Top gear relies on overseas viewers people are less fussy when they are not paying for a BBC tv license.

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