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Top Gear Australia – now with Nine speed box

Top Gear Australia moves to Channel 9

Viewers of Top Gear Australia will be tuning into a new channel in 2010 after it was confirmed today that Channel Nine has negotiated the rights away from SBS. The switch of channels completes a quinella for PBL Media, publishers of Top Gear Australia magazine.

Little surprise, though, that Nine supremo and Australian television heavyweight David Gyngell is excited by the new deal with BBC Worldwide, “We are absolutely delighted to be working together with one of the world’s great broadcasting powerhouses on a program of this quality and wide appeal,” he said.

“Top Gear is quite simply an outstanding television product.”

Details of the cast members following the channel move are undecided, although it appears the Shane Warne rumour was false. Steve Pizzati, a host under the SBS regime, has given little away on his twitter account, other than to say “RE: TGA – Will let you all know when there is something to report. Promise.”

The new Channel Nine deal also includes the rights to the UK series of Top Gear, which is expected to begin Series 14 on UK screens from 15 November. Details and scheduling are yet to be confirmed for Australian audiences, but it is expected Nine will start screening episodes of Top Gear early next year.

[Source: ABC Online & The Motor Report]

10 replies on “Top Gear Australia – now with Nine speed box”

Richard Wilkins hosting TopGear? Are you mad Keynotes? If warney has anything to do with TGA I will not watch it. I will most probably not watch it anyway as I can see Channel Eddie will just ruin it with the constand ad breaks.
It will end up being a ratings flop as people will turn off in droves.
Thankgod for bittorrent!

Seriously Channel 9, your star wanker Sammy Newman is the perfect guy! or poach that Grant Danyer from 7.

SBS already ruin TGUK with ad breaks so it’ll be no different on 9. Plus they have a bigger budget so it can’t be any worse…?

So after having to live with SBS cutting TG to fit in the ads (the news what is this news you speak of).

Now we can get shafted by Channel 9 – well know for their commitment to the audience!

Top Gear oh yeah its on Monday at 10:30pm; sorry Wednesday at 11:45pm; sorry Saturday at 3:30am. We’ll it wasn’t as popular as we thought so we’ve dropped it and replaced it with 20 to 1 repeats.

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