Top Gear

If the Schu fits

If we are to believe this clip The Stig is Michael Schumacher. The footage above was taken from last night’s first episode of Top Gear Series 13. And, if you believe this to be true and not a massive publicity stunt, then take a look out your window there’s some pigs flying past. (AUSmotive tip – keep an eye on the show’s closing credits.)

It’s nothing more than a gag poking fun at the internet gossip and innuendo methinks, and hats off to Schumi for being a good sport.

[Thanks to Mal for the tip.]

3 replies on “If the Schu fits”

No way was it the stig… why you may ask??? pretty simple… at the top of the TG fastest time board, the differences in times for the supercars is usually a few 10ths of a second, or maybe a second at most…

For the new Ferrari to be that much faster is a bit unlikely – what is probably more likely is that there was a different driver at the wheel… in this case the greatest F1 driver in history… Hence not the stig

Didn’t you hear Clarkson say it’s all in the car that Brawn builds. Button is the new MS…

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